Reasons for sharing data
Sharing data is critical to fighting malaria drug resistance. There are many ways in which you can benefit by sharing your data.
Discover other infectious and emerging disease data sharing platforms on the IDDO website.

Save time and resources - Submit any file type using our easy, fast, secure online portal. WWARN data managers run automated transformation, analysis and reporting processes – you receive a complete report, data audit, and publication-ready results tables and graphs.
Long-term, secure data storage - WWARN’s Data Centre is a safe location to store your data, accessible to you or your research partners, anywhere. WWARN is a recognised re3data repository.
Access statistical expertise - Remove subjectivity from IC50 or parasite clearance estimates with innovative analysis tools developed by expert statisticians.
Increase research output - Join or form a Study Group to pool your data. Have your data cleaned and standardised by WWARN. See your results pooled with data from other studies. Re-use old data in new ways and get the results published.
Increase visibility of your research - Even if unpublished, your work will gain visibility, recognition and form part of a large collaboration that is contributing to a better understanding of antimalarial resistance.
Expand your network - Identify researchers working in the same region or with similar interests using WWARN Explorer or WWARN Surveyors tools.
Free resources at your fingertips - Access to the WWARN Toolkit – an essential portfolio of online training courses, data management and analysis tools, and clinical and laboratory procedures.
Review your analysis skills - Take part in regular proficiency testing programmes to assess your technical skills and receive personal advice to achieve a lasting improvement in your clinical laboratory approaches.
Improve results - Receive free, validated malaria drug reference materials to reduce intra-lab variability.
Meet data sharing obligations - A secure Data Centre fulfils data sharing requirements asked by many funders and journals.
Build public health research trust - Policy makers gain reassurance and trust in clinical trial outcomes validated by a group of international scientists.