Dr Corine Karema is a member of the WWARN Scientific Advisory Committee and is a Malaria Senior Programme Officer at the African Leaders Malaria Alliance.
“My advice to women and girls thinking about a career in science would be: Do it, it’s great. You can work in science outside of academia and still have a great job and great opportunities. Don’t wait for opportunities, create them! Importantly, don’t be afraid of failure, just work as hard as you can, keep your head down and believe in yourself, all will be alright!”
“As a society, we need to look at this with great alarm, and we have to start thinking about how we can make the female scientist’s career more attractive again by providing them with effective training and education. They need to be able to compete at all levels and in all scientific domains as well as be supported in their work-life balance.
Roles models and mentoring as well as society and family support are essential, particularly in countries where stereotypes are still present.”