IDDO’s team looks forward to sharing its latest research at ASTMH
Join IDDO and WWARN’s researchers at this year’s ASTMH - the 72nd annual meeting in Chicago, USA, where we will be presenting on Visceral Leishmaniasis, malaria, and medicine quality across symposia, oral presentations and posters.

This year IDDO will be at stand #305, as part of Oxford Tropical Medicine, University of Oxford. Come and see us to find out about more about our research, data platforms and latest work.
Symposia - October 20
IDDO’s team is hosting a symposium titled: ‘From a single dataset to a million patients: Solutions to pool and harmonise IPD for effective and equitable reuse of data to generate new evidence in an open science framework’. Taking place on Friday, 20 Oct 4.00pm to 5.45pm (CST) the symposium will be chaired by Professor Philippe Guerin and Dr Manju Rahi, with presentations by:
Kalynn Kennon: Solutions to open science and data reuse;
- Dr Rob Terry: Governance of data reuse
- Dr Rob Commons: The impact of data reuse in malaria
- Maria Jesus Pinazo: The impact of data reuse in NTDs
- Professor Phaik Yeong Cheah: Applications and next steps in new environments
Symposia - October 22
IDDO’s Medicine Quality Research Group will host a symposium titled 'Countering the Wicked Problem of Bad Quality Medicines'. It has been organised by Professor Marya Lieberman, of U. Notre Dame, USA, and Professor Paul Newton and takes place on Sunday, October 22, at 8am (CST)
The presentation topics are systems/supply chains, pharmaceuticals and medical products and include:
Systems/Supply chains:
- Ashley Lee presenting on behalf of Professor Sachiko Ozawa, of the University of North Carolina Eshelman School of Pharmacy (UNC): Modelling the economic and clinical impact of substandard and falsified drugs
- Dr Céline Caillet, University of Oxford-MORU Tropical Health Network/Infectious Diseases Data Observatory: An app (Epione) for facilitating medicine quality surveys
- Dr Noudy Sengxeu (University of Health Sciences, Vientiane, Lao PDR): ABACUS2-MQ Survey of the quality of antibiotics in four countries
- Dr Ayenew Ashenef (pre-recorded talk), Addis Ababa University--Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy: Quality of chemotherapy drugs in Ethiopia
Medical products:
- Dr Céline Caillet, presenting on behalf of Professor Paul Newton, University of Oxford-MORU Tropical Health Network/Infectious Diseases Data Observatory: Evaluation of devices for detecting substandard and falsified vaccines in supply chains
This symposium will also include a Poster Session and ‘petting zoo’ for medicine screening devices.
There will be an informal meeting of those interested in medicine quality research, policy and implementation from 11am to 2.30pm, on Saturday, October 21, in the San Francisco Room - Ballroom Level (West Tower), Hyatt Regency Chicago. Please let Paul Newton know if you would like to attend.
Dr Robert Commons, of Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin, Australia, and WWARN Postdoctoral Researcher (ARC-A), will chair a symposium titled: ‘Emerging data on how best to use primaquine and tafenoquine for the radical cure of P. vivax’ on Sunday, October 22, from 8am to 9.45am (CDT).
The speakers include:
- Megha Rajasekhar, The University of Melbourne: Trade-off between short term hemolytic risk and long-term benefit of 8-aminoquinoline treatment
- Dr Ihsan Fadilah, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit Indonesia: Is there a way to individualize P. vivax radical cure regimens? Methemoglobin as a marker of antirelapse efficacy
- Brice Campo, Medicines for Malaria Venture: How in vitro and in vivo vivax malaria models can help us understand the outcome of past clinical studies with tafenoquine and design the next set of studies
- Marcus Vinícius Guimarães de Lacerda, Doctor Heitor Vieira Dourado Tropical Medicine Foundation, Brazil: The Tafenoquine Roll-out STudy (TRuST): Real-world evidence on feasibility of providing appropriate P. vivax radical cure with tafenoquine or primaquine after G6PD testing in the Brazilian Amazon – final results from a study of over 6000 patients
Visitors can join Professor Joel Tarning’s oral presentation: Pharmacometric assessment and dose-optimisation of primaquine in the radical cure of Plasmodium vivax malaria in children: an individual patient data meta-analysis on Thursday, October 19, from 3pm to 4.45pm at Scientific Session 34: Malaria: Drug Development and Clinical Trials.
IDDO and WWARN’s researchers are also presenting a number of posters at ASTMH, these are:
Poster Session A: Thursday, October 19, Noon – 1:45 pm United States Central Time Zone
- Dr Rob Commons: Safety and efficacy of primaquine in patients with P. vivax malaria from South Asia: A systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis #5386
Poster Session B, Friday, October 20, Noon – 1:45 pm United States Central Time Zone
- Dr Prabin Dahal: Host, parasite and drug determinants of treatment outcomes in Visceral Leishmaniasis: An individual patient data meta-analysis using the Infectious Diseases Data Observatory data platform #6351
- Dr Sauman Singh: Ophthalmological Complications in Visceral Leishmaniasis and Post Kala-Azar Dermal Leishmaniasis #6350
Poster Session C, Saturday, October 21, 11 am – 12:45 pm United States Central Time Zone
- Dr Prabin Dahal: Haemoglobin dynamics following treatment of Visceral Leishmaniasis: An individual patient data meta-analysis using the Infectious Diseases Data Observatory data platform #7064
- Professor Joel Tarning, Head of WWARN Pharmacometric Modelling and Co-Head IDDO Asia Pacific Centre - Thailand (ARC - T) - Artemether-lumefantrine as a chemoprophylactic treatment of malaria #6918
- Dr Martin Walker: The lymphatic filariasis treatment study landscape: a systematic review of study characteristics and the case for an individual participant data platform #7039
ASTMH takes place from October 18 to 22, Hyatt Regency Chicago, and more than 4,000 researchers, scientists, physicians and global health experts are expected to attend. For more information view
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