Contributing data
GRAM collaborators are invited to contribute data to improve modelling of antimicrobial resistance and consumption worldwide. By standardising and aggregating this data with the IDDO Platform, we can maximise the use of available data to address critical knowledge gaps in AMR.

GRAM and IDDO are working together to utilise IDDO’s data repository infrastructure for secure upload, standardisation and data governance for managed data reuse to increase the impact of data for AMR research.
How to contribute data
Follow this step-by-step guide:
Step 1 Register with IDDO if you haven’t already
Step 2: Edit or contribute new studies. You may be prompted to log in.
- Editing your contributions
To add to previous submissions, click here
- Contributing a new study
To make a new contribution, click here
Uploading a new submission is a simple process. Follow the steps below:
- Name your dataset.
- Read and accept the Terms of Submission.
- Upload your study files in any format.
- Upload supporting information such as protocols, publications and data dictionaries.
- Add additional information such as the details of any additional users that you would like to have access to the account, the PubMed ID if your dataset has been published, and any notes for our data managers.
Our data managers will curate the data to the standardised platform structure to enable pooled analyses. They may contact you with questions about the data.
Contributors may be invited to form or join collaborative study groups which take advantage of the common data formats to perform pooled analyses.
Questions and technical issues
If you have any questions about contributing data, or have any technical issues with the submission process, please email Please include a screenshot of the issue and your user name.
Ownership of data
Ownership of data received by IDDO remains with the data contributor and no limitations are placed on their use of their own data. The data contributor has the right to withdraw their data from the platform at any time.
IDDO is subject to the same rules for data access as any other data requestor. Under the Terms of Submission, IDDO waives all rights to the data and its role is limited to data curation and the provision of managed access to data for research only.
Platforms developed at IDDO benefit from an established repository infrastructure and governance framework, with legally-binding agreements concerning the submission and reuse of data in place which are fully compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and UK Data Protection Act 2018.
Data Access Committee
IDDO’s governance framework has been developed with TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, hosted by WHO. TDR chairs the independent Data Access Committee, who review applications according to criteria within a Data Access Guidelines document developed by the Committee, and operate in line with their own Terms of Reference, abiding by a Conflict of Interest Policy. Membership of the Data Access Committee is from across relevant fields of global health taking into account a representative balance of skills, disease-specific expertise, geography and gender. Members are appointed through an open nominations process managed by TDR.