
Below is a list of research publications published in scientific journals by IDDO and WWARN and our research partners. Use the filters to explore the publications by research theme or by using our list of key words. If you cannot find a publication, please email


The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Published: 22 Oct 2018

Author(s): Georgina S. Humphreys, Halidou Tinto and Karen I. Barnes

Author correction: Polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistance Transporter and Multidrug Resistance 1 Genes: Parasite Risk Factors that Affect Treatment Outcomes for P. falciparum Malaria after Artemether-Lumefantrine and Artesunate-Amod

Published: 26 Sep 2018

Author(s): Venkatesan M et al.

International Health

Published: 3 Sep 2018

Author(s): Carol H. Sibley (WWARN), Gonzalo J Domingo, Nicole Advani, Ari W Satyagraha, Elizabeth Rowley, Michael Kalnoky, Jessica Cohen, Michael Parker, Maureen Kelley

PLOS Medicine, 15:6

Published: 13 Aug 2018

Author(s): Kloprogge F, Workman L, Borrmann S, Te´ke´te´ M, Lefèvre G, Hamed K, et al

PMID: e1002579

Lancet Global Health, 6:9

Published: 11 Aug 2018

Author(s): Merson L, Guérin PJ, Barnes K, Ntoumi F, Gaye O

PMID: 30103997

Published: 19 Jun 2018

Author(s): Asia Development Bank (ADB), Infectious Diseases Data Observatory, Mahidol-Oxford Research Unit, Georgia Tech

Published: 19 Jun 2018

Author(s): Asia Development Bank (ADB), Infectious Diseases Data Observatory, Mahidol-Oxford Research Unit, Georgia Tech

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases

Published: 27 Apr 2018

Author(s): Palmeirim MS, Hürlimann E, Knopp S, Speich B, Belizario V Jr, Joseph SA, Vaillant M, Olliaro P, Keiser J

PMID: 29702653